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Why Publish with Nexus Press

The Nexus Press offers open access publication of proceedings across diverse fields, including Social Science & Humanities, Computer Science, Engineering and so forth, at an affordable cost and with rapid turnaround.

Nexus Press Offers

1. All articles are licensed under CC BY 4.0, allowing free downloads.

2. Copyright is retained by the author.

3. We provide two options in publishing the contents:

a. Publishing the abstract and downloadable PDF [default option].

b. Publishing full version [XML + PDF], with pricing variations based on the choice.

4. No strict page limits, but we recommend 6-8 pages unless the article calls for more pages. In this case, we will leave it to organizer’s discretion.

5. Online articles have no restrictions on color figure usage. If color printing is needed for the proceedings, costs may vary.

6. We typically discourage supplementary materials, but exceptions can be made for specific proceedings with separate pricing.

7. The download option for "Cite the Reference." is provided.

8. The real-time metrics on the proceedings page, including visit and download counts, will be displayed.

9. Two publishing service levels will be provided: Normal publishing schedule (4-5 weeks) and Premium publishing schedule (2-3 weeks).

10. Any content to be published online will first undergo the review and approvals from organizers before making it live. After confirmation, the confirmed contents can be displayed promptly.

11. We assign unique DOIs to all articles and register them with CrossRef. 

12.  Proceedings are submitted to relevant indexation databases such as CPCI-S and CPCI-SSH (both part of Clarivate's Web of Science), CNKI, Google Scholar, Scopus, etc.

13. If the proceeding is part of a series, a continuous volume number will be assigned and included in the citation reference.

Organizer Responsibilities

1. Reviewing and assessing submitted papers.

2. Conducting the peer review process and making acceptance or rejection decisions.

3. Managing schedules and deadlines for reviewers.

4. Establishing clear acceptance criteria.

5. Ensuring quality control for formatting and content.

6. Avoiding the addition or removal of papers during the review process from publisher’s side to prevent additional costs for organizers.

7. Adding or removing articles after the review process causes delays and affects the schedule and publications.

The conference organizer and the publisher commence by creating an initial agreement that comprehensively delineates the terms and conditions of the publication. This agreement encompasses various aspects, including publication expenses, access permissions, and distribution channels.

Publication Platforms

The proceedings are published on digital platforms, such as the publisher's website or other distribution channels if there is any, depending on the agreed-upon terms.

Financial Settlement

Financial arrangements between the conference organizer and the publisher are finalized, including any revenue-sharing agreements or cost reimbursements.

The specific details and responsibilities at each step may vary depending on the agreement between the conference organizer and the publisher. It's important for both parties to communicate effectively and collaborate to ensure a successful publication process.

Organizers/editors should furnish the process and procedure, which will be included in the proceedings publication. The publisher can request peer review reports at any point.

Technical Checks

1. Verify if all papers follow the Nexus Press template [Layout and style].

2. Check for correct formatting, distinguishing headings, main text & other elements.

3. Check for spelling and grammatical errors in the titles and abstracts.

4. Ensure author(s) and affiliation information is accurate, and the corresponding author's email is included.

5. Confirm consistent adherence to reference styles across all articles.

Outline for Peer Review Procedure for Organizer

Proceedings editors and organizers assess submitted papers, conduct peer reviews, and determine acceptance, rejection, or revision. These dates must be recorded and included in the final paper version.

The procedure of the peer review may vary depending on the events. But there should be certain procedure the organizers and editors should be in accordance with, as follows, while they are assessing the papers.

1. Fair and unbiased paper acceptance regardless of authors' race, religion, gender, beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy. Conduct plagiarism checks before peer review.

2. Organizers are suggested to use the templates supplied by the Nexus Press and the templates are available here. [Word Template] and [latex template].

3. Ensure the paper is in alignment with the event's scope, otherwise, it will be rejected if necessary.

4. Use a standard peer review system (e.g., ScholarOne, EasyChair, Ex Ordo, OpenConf, CMT etc.).

5. Authors and Editors commit to abiding by our ethical policy.

6. All review communications should be in English.

7. Reviewers' recommendations must be clear and concise, with comments included and communicated to authors.